
with Tiago Namaste



Ayurveda is the knowledge or science of life that treats and promotes the healing of the individual in an integral way, using various therapeutic tools. The objective of this science is to study the influences of external and internal elements that act and modify our physiology, as well as contributing to the promotion of imbalances in the physical, mental and emotional fields.

Ayurveda offers various types of treatments and services, such as Ayurvedic massage, medicated oils, diet, daily routine of healthy habits, herbal medicine, purifying therapies, medicines with precious stones, recommended physical activity, practice of yoga and meditation, with an integrative approach through of the ancient association of Indian wisdom with modern Western science.

Our purpose is to guide you on a complete journey of personal transformation through Ayurveda, where new knowledge and habits will be introduced into your daily routine in the short, medium and long term, to create a firm and safe change. Throughout the program, you will also have access to tools that will help you consolidate the process, such as yoga practices (including āsana, prāṇayamas, mantras and meditation) and insights from jyotish psychotherapy, a science that explores karma and its effects on everyday life.

Ayurveda in Brazil is described as Integrative and Complementary Therapy and should be experienced under the supervision of your doctor.

Description of the Namaste Method program

The personalized therapeutic follow-up proposal offers both single sessions and formatting for monthly follow-up. Each session you can choose the duration you want 🥳

The first is more economical, aimed at those who want to know this methodology more superficially, being a more focused and punctual option 🆘.

The second is more complete, ideal for those looking to go deeper into self-knowledge and want to learn better how to strengthen the feeling of well-being & increase the ability to respond to everyday stress. 🔝

⚠️ Attention :: Both are viable options to improve your health, contrasting mainly in the speed at which we reach a deeper self-knowledge … If possible, I suggest the first 2 or 3 sessions be in the complete format (IF POSSIBLE)

About Therapeutic Accompaniment

Continuous therapeutic follow-up is designed to ensure a deep sense of vitality in everyday life with the bonus of a spiritualized emergence over time. This proposal includes:

(i) the initial proposal is that we start with a formal session lasting two hours in a caring and humane way. After a few 2 or 3 initial sessions, this duration can be reduced if you want to save money … (but we can also start with the synthetic economic format and then move on to the full premium package) 🚀

(ii) availability of regular contact between sessions (via WhatsApp, telephone, email, sms, facebook) to answer any questions pertinent to what was discussed in the session and keep the flame of Ayurveda present in our hearts.

(iii) if desired, advice is also included on when, which, how and for what purpose the use of phyto-aroma-therapeutic tools – the famous ayurvedices – for use throughout the month 🌸

Important warning!

Please separate a notebook/cell phone/tablet etc to register 🏁 ONLY IN WRITING 🏁 therapeutic guidelines appropriately during the session. With a view to guaranteeing the appropriate secrecy of therapeutic information, I inform you that audio recording is prohibited outside of cases of generating educational videos on my part… Thank you for understanding 🙌🏼

Payment methods

For Persons who can make a transfer in 🇧🇷 bank details for the account at Banco do Brasil or Itaú for payment of the session will be sent after the end of the session. For people without a Br account, other alternatives such as TransfeWise can be combined 🗺 If necessary, a transfer can be scheduled for the most comfortable day in the current month or the schedule can be divided into 2 installments if necessary. 🙌🏼

Monetary Values

There are several modalities! Until August 31, 2024, in the In-Depth Personalized Therapeutic Follow-up session format of 2 hours, it costs R$580 per session. In the 1H Basic Therapeutic session version, it can be adapted according to needs at a cost of 300 reais in sessions as requested... If applicable, an Intermediate Therapeutic session of 90 minutes at 445 reais can also be done... you choose what suits you look better based on how much you want to invest and dedicate yourself to this subject right now 👌🏼

Observation! 👀

If these monetary values are far from reality at the moment, it is also possible to do sessions through my company's social service, the NamasteRasas Project. Currently these sessions are being done with Ratna Prabha Dasi, she is my wife, she is a therapist and works with special value programs in order to make our service methodology more monetarily accessible. 🌟 If you prefer to talk to her directly WhatsApp is Ratna (WhatsApp) +55 84 98101 2060 

If you have any questions, contact us via WhatsApp +55 21 997-618-328🍀

Pre-session recommendations

It will help us a lot if you can watch the Playlist for Therapeutic Accompaniment below to make your session as good as possible !!!

Playlist Ayurbaby: Namaste Coaching Phase 1 ::

Form • Namaste Method

This record is intended to facilitate the progress of the session and ensure correct memory. Please allow a comfortable amount of time (around 10-30 minutes) to complete it. 🙏

    Basic data 1/2

    Basic data 2/2

    First point 🐚

    Support questions 🌅

    personal medical history

    If female, if possible, answer:

    Starting the therapeutic part 🏆

    Ayurvedic Detailing 🌻

    A lot of attention: in the multiple choice questions below, you can mark an X next to the one that represents you well... IF it is necessary to mark more than one option, DO THE FOLLOWING:
    indicate in the space below the numbered question the most pertinent letter first followed by the sign " > " and then the second most important letter. For example " c>a " to say letter C more important than A than B.

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    Namaste!! Do you have any doubt? Talk to us 😄🌟